Monday, May 10, 2010

I thought

Childish always refers on me. I thought I was kind enough that puts on other first before myself. But I was wrong. I wasn't thought of other but myself. Sometimes, what you've done you might not realized. You thought you were thinking of other but other don't think so. Sometimes, caring can end up fucking because you were being over protective that no one ever wants that. Situation that I ain't thought of happen everytimes not at the same place and it makes me feel suck and fool of myself. I thought they were suck and yes they do, but I ever sucker than them. I never learn to take up advise but ignoring makes me what I am today. Road seems unclear, boat seems lost direction, goal seems blurred. I'm standing no where when I thought I've a bunch of friends with me. Is not them that ignoring me, BUT me, I'm the one that shuu them away. I ain't complaining but blaming myself for being stubborn. If I have a chance I don't want to be me. I rather be a statue that helps to creative creativeness of other than being a human that creates chaos.

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